Sunday, July 8, 2018

Its been a long time since I posted anything.  here are a few general updated. Ashley will turn 12 in a few weeks. Samuel is 6 and was the best reader in kindergarten this last year. It just comes natural to him. I had Isabelle one week after my mom died from a rare form of Endometriosis cancer. (I will post more about his later. Isabelle is now 19 months old.  Ron and I recently had our 16 year anniversary.
I graduated with my Bachelors of Science, Business major, from the Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University in 2014.  I've now worked at San Juan Credit Union for 5 years and going strong. I was the branch manager in our Monticello office for 2 years, then they moved me back to the main branch about 2 years ago.
When Isabelle was born, Ron quite working and became a stay-at-home dad. he loves it and wouldn't change it for the world.
life is good, my family is growing, I'm glad to be done with school.
Hopefully more updates will come soon.
The Gough Family at Utah State Capital in March 2018