Thursday, January 26, 2012

Marketing Class 1/25/2012

Well I got up the courage to offer to do a presentation on LinkedIn; I have very litter experience with LinkedIn. I did some research on it last night before I headed to bed and there are many websites that can help me with setting up my presentation. I hope I can keep the courage up and not get to nerves.

           At class last night we discussed Chapter 3 that we read over the week and took the quiz on. I had received a 23/25 on the quiz, so not bad, but I could have done better. In Chapter 3, some of the interesting stuff I learned with the different demographics of people. Such as Tween (ages 8 to 14), Gen Y (Me, Born between 1979 and 1994), Gen X (My husband, Born between 1965 and 1978) and the baby boom generation (My parents, born between 1946 and 1964). I like the in-depth descriptions of all 4 of these demographics.

            Another interesting thing we learned in class is the "Pyramid of Corporate social responsibility." The book talks about the pyramid but is missing a visual. In class professor Allen showed us the visual of the pyramid, I understood it right away.

(From MKTG by Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, Power Point Sildes)

I think that both of these things will come in handy in the future, I know what I need in business for reaching each demographic specifically and how economic, Legal, Ethical, and Philanthropic all fit together in business.

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