Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog for marketing class 4-25-2012

This week we read chapter 18 in our MKTG book by Lamb, Hair & McDaniel.  The chapter was on setting the right price. Our learning objectives where as follows

·         How to set a price on a product

·         The legality and ethics of price strategy

·         Tactics for fine-tuning the base price

o   Discounts, allowances, rebates and value-based pricing

o   Geographic pricing

o   Other pricing tactics

o   Consumer penalties

This is how all of the above fit together, I love this graphic it explains a great deal all in one little graphic.

·         Product line pricing

o   Relationship among products

o   Joint costs

·         Pricing during difficult economic times

o   Inflation

§  Cost oriented tactics

§  Demand-oriented tactics

o   Recession

This will be my last class post for Business 3500 (Marketing). The class has been very informative and a good learning experience.  It was the first broadcast class I have taken with other students in the room with me; that was sure nice. The part of this chapter I learned the most from was the fine-tuning the base line, this is great knowledge that will come in handy when I go to price a product.

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