Thursday, April 19, 2012

For marketing class 4-18-2012

This will be one of my last posts for my marketing class as we only have one class left before the final.

This week we studied chapter 16 on sales promotion and personal selling. We covered the topics of:

·         Sales promotion

·         Tools for consumer sales promotion, that are as follows:

      ·         Tools for trade sales promotion, that are the following:

·         Personal selling.  Listed below is the difference between personal selling and adverting & sales promotion. I found this to be a very interesting slide.

·         Relationship selling, listed on the next graphic is the differences between traditional personal selling and relationship selling.

·         Steps in the selling process. There are seven steps; the most important is the first one of generating leads.  Also note the last step “Follow up” this means the job isn’t done once the sell is made.

I found that this entire chapter was full of good information.  I also loved the video our professor showed us at the beginning on class about how the internet and social media is growing so fast, it also explains that the social networking isn’t going anywhere. However, the most important part to me was on the tools for consumer sales promotion.  I like the great detail the chapter goes into on the coupons, rebates, premiums, loyalty marketing programs, contests, sweepstakes, sampling, point-of-purchase promotions and online sales promotion. All of these are great to know about and understand. They will come into great use for all of us to know that plan to go into business.

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